Family Business Coaching
Work TogetherGrow Your Business

Build a Stronger Family Business Dynamic
We get it. Growing up in a family business gives us insights into the unseen problems that family business can create. The stress at work flows over to the stress at home. Lines are blurred between professional and personal.
These disfunctions slow you and your business growth down. Get on the same page together to create a better focus towards the future.
Having a family while running a business is challenging enough. Bringing in your family to work at the business creates new levels of challenging.
Let’s make it less challenging! We’ve been through it and can help you get through challenges too.
Focused Family Business Coaching
We focus on 3 main aspects of a family business to create improvements in the short term as well as the long term.
Division of Labor
Preparing for Change
The Importance of Communication in Family Business
Effective communication is harder than anyone thinks. When you have a business leader running the show alone for any period of time, they know everything and someone new knows nothing. This is because they had many sleepless nights to get where they are today. Too often we see spouses arguing over finances because they just aren’t on the same page. We’ve also run into the quite couple that just hate each other’s guts, but won’t voice that opinion.
Within family business, there are a lot of these scenarios. Unlike a regular job though, you also have to go home with these people. It’s easy to say bye to your co-worker, who gave you an attitude all day, and let the day reset on your ride home. It’s much harder to say goodbye to a serious argument that happened with your spouse or child at the workplace and then expect a quite dinner.
Communication requires boundaries. Communication requires compromise.
Get Things Done Faster as a Team
Too many times we’ve seen families running in different directions with a rope wrapped around their waists. “Going nowhere fast” is the phrase that comes to mind. Communication is the first hurdle to overcome and the next will be creating a “Division of Labor”. Multiple members of the family can run key pieces of the company. This only works when everyone is on the same page. Mom works infrastructure and account, Dad works sales, Daughter works production, and Son works on tech. With the key positions accounted for, training and working with others becomes easier.
Shared knowledge within the family can push your family to the next level. Multiple brains are better than one (if you’re not fighting).
Your Kids Will Bring New Ideas
Brace yourself for change.
You may need a licensed personal therapist to handle some of these new ideas, but we’re here to shed light on the validity of those ideas. We’ve helped businesses grow and can give data regarding new markets, new products, new production techniques, and more benefits for existing employees.
In business, you must adapt to survive. Younger generations have the ability to bring in fresh ideas and should be embraced.